Guidelines & Instructions for Writing a Blog for Maloomaat.



Article must have unique content, i.e you must write whole article in your own words. You can gather information and ideas from internet but every single sentence must be your own.


Number of words per article must be at least 600. However an article with 800+ words will be considered perfect.


There should be no spelling or tenses mistakes. Use small sentences which are easily understandable.


Overall tone of the Article should be Positive. Do not criticize anything more than a soft level. Tell the negative things about anything in a polite way.


Never write lengthy Paragraphs, instead explain everything with Headings, and keep the length of Paragraphs to max 5-6 Lines.


We reserve the Right to Reject your Content, if it does not follow our Standards.

We may change the Images used by you in Your Article. Because we will never post any image which is unclear or if its too small/large to fit in our Website Design.

After Approval, we will publish your Article in our Social Media Platforms as well.

We may approve your Article but Delay its publication. We have our own schedule of Updating Each Category, so your Article may face a little delay, but you will be informed about it.

We will Blacklist any person who submits Copied Material from some other Source.